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The Lightning Process (LP)
Developed by Phil Parker PhD

Applying the science of the mind-body connection to rebuild your health

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The Lightning Process (LP)

Applying the science of the mind-body connection

to rebuild your health

Developed by Phil Parker PhD

The Lightning Process …

Is a training programme that teaches you to change the way your nervous system controls your body.

Its empowering tools involve gentle movement, meditation-like techniques and mental exercises.

With practice you’ll learn how to switch on pathways which promote health and switch off ones which aren’t so good for you.

Lightning Process Success Stories

You know how it feels to…

  • …be exhausted no matter how much rest you get?

  • …be stuck with re-occurring pain, health symptoms and issues?

  • …get so stressed by almost everything?

  • …be low and upset much of the time?

  • …want a better life and health but just can’t find anything that works?

If some of this applies to you, then the Lightning Process could just be the answer you’re looking for. Find out how to improve your life and health by exploring this website and starting your LP journey…

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